Prestige Banner
Prestige Banners can be used to upgrade the Prestige Levels of Urban Buildings. Increasing the Prestige Level will provide combat boosts.
How to upgrade Prestige Level?
When clicking on any of the urban buildings there is a Prestige Level menu. Via this menu you can upgrade a building to the next Prestige level.
Prestige Levels
Prestige levels can only be upgraded once a building reaches level 15 and the maximum Prestige level is the same as the maximum level of the building. Only the urban buildings have Prestige levels.
The amount Prestige of Banners to upgrade a building level increase with higher levels (although not with each level). These requirements are not the same for all buildings, for example to upgrade to Prestige level 1 most buildings require 1 Prestige Banner, but some require 2 and one does not require any.
Each building has its own boosts. All boosts are related to combat. The buildings to train troops have boosts that complement their troop type.
written by: Rosemond of the West ~MOD~